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Corporate management of schools, changanacherry-high school
About Us

Saint George, in whose name the school was founded represents the victory of good over evil . Saint George is the embodiment of piety, courage, gentleness, kind heartedness and justice. And these are the qualities that St. George’s School endeavours to imbibe in its students in addition to excellence in academics and sports



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Founded in 1950 , Founder : Late. Rev. Fr. Jacob Akkarakalam

Our school is a minority institution run by the Christian minority. St. George’s is a school with a difference. The school is a unique mix of the traditional and the modern. It blends old and time-tested values with modern knowledge and state-of-the-art-facilities to shape each and every student into a dynamic personality for ushering into a brighter tomorrow and moulding him or her to be a valuable contributor to society.      







        St. George's High School was founded in 1950 by St. George's Church, Muttar. It was the realization of the vision and far sightedness of Late. Very. Rev. Fr. Jacob Akkarakalam(the first manager) and Latr. Sri. K. E. Mathew, Srambikal Kattatharayil (the first Headmaster). The great visionaries had in their mind the noble task of imparting quality education in the backward agrarian region of Kuttanad, especially to the villagers of Muttar which lacked in the facility for education. The school, though run by the catholic minority community, admits all children regardless of race, caste, creed, religion or circumstance with due respect to diffet faiths and religious denominations.

        The school under the Parish of St. George Church, Muttar the LP school was started in 1st of August 1905. When Rev. Fr. George Kaippallil was the manager the school was upgraded to a Malayalam middle school in 1950. During the modernization in the education department the school was again upgraded to an English middle school.
        Muttar St. George High School is the fulfillment of the dream of the parish committee and the members of the village upliftment committee of Muttar it was started in 1938. The school got the blessing of the Corporate management from the Rt. Rev.Msgn. Jacob Kallarackal by the hardworking of the parish committee chaired by Rev. Fr. Jacob Akkarakalam. By the unity of the people of Muttar, the order of upgrading of our English middle school to a High school from the Hon. Education Minister Sri. Panampally Govindhamenon was handed over in 1950. During this time the school was under Thiruvalla Education district and Sri. M. K. Raman was the DEO. In the Presidenship of Brahmasri. P.M. Namboothiri, the Hon. Finance and food Minister Sri. K. M. Kora registered the name of three girls in the admission register and inaugurated the Fourth Forum.

        Muttar St. George High School is the fulfillment of the dream of the parish committee and the members of the village upliftment committee of Muttar it was started in 1938. The school got the blessing of the Corporate management from the Rt. Rev.Msgn. Jacob Kallarackal by the hardworking of the parish committee chaired by Rev. Fr. Jacob Akkarakalam. By the unity of the people of Muttar, the order of upgrading of our English middle school to a High school from the Hon. Education Minister Sri. Panampally Govindhamenon was handed over in 1950. During this time the school was under Thiruvalla Education district and Sri. M. K. Raman was the DEO. In the Presidenship of Brahmasri. P.M. Namboothiri, the Hon. Finance and food Minister Sri. K. M. Kora registered the name of three girls in the admission register and inaugurated the Fourth Forum.

        The High school class was started in the western part of our middle school. Sri. V. V. Joseph served our honorary Headmaster and Sri. K. M. Mathew Srampickal Kattatharayil follows his footsteps in 1st September 1950 and continued as the Headmaster for nearly 25 years.  It was under his rule and service our school had been got his recognition among the people. In 1950 itself by the hardworking of the improvement committee of 30 members around 3.5 Acres of land which was filled by bushes and thorns was bought by an amount of Rs.16250/- from Sri. Abraham Kurian Mamoottil in 1st March 1951.The foundation stone for the new building was laid by the Most. Rev. Mathew Kavukattu Bishop in 7th July 1952. The high school classes were shifted to the new building in 1953. Our school mother blessed the first batch of SSLC students with a great success.

        The high school was upgraded to a Higher Secondary school in 2000, when Rev. Fr. Joseph Vettikad was the manager. During the academic year 2000 – 2001, the higher secondary section was started with three batches and Sri. A. Z. Scaria was the first Principal.

        During the reign of our manger Rev. Fr. George Srampickal in 2009 the old building was reconstructed with the help of PTA, old students, teachers and the lovable people of Muttar and was inaugurated on 1st August 2009.

        When Sri. Joy Joseph was the headmaster, the construction of school ground, basketball court and handball court was started with the help of PTA, old students, teachers and the well wishers of our school. On 4th August 2011 Rev. Dr. Philips Vadekkekalam inaugurated the same.

         The school has now grown into a premier educational institution in the Kuttanad region






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Corporate Management of Schools, Changanacherry
St. George's High School               
Muttar P. O.Muttar Pin 689574,  Alappuzha (Dist.)   Kerala
Telephone :
H.S. Office   :  0477  2219855          
H.S.S. Office   :  0477  2219566
Headmistress   :  9746019266          
Principal    :  9446405796                   
Manager  :  0477 2219615

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Model Practice Test Paper for Talent Hunt examination on various subjects and their Answer Keys can be otained from "Downloads"
Best Web Site
Our school web site selected (Ist place) as on of the best web sites from various schools under the corporate management of schools Chananacherry.
State Level Social Science Fair
Our school team bagged the Sencond(A grade in working model) prize in state level Social Science Fair
School Anniversery
School Anniversery will be held on 27th Jan. 2012
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