• 0481-2420378, 2422928
  • corporateschoolschry@gmail.com


The meaning of the Emblem

The Dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit

The seven ears of grain are indicative of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit : Wisdom , Intellegence, Knowledge, Self Confidence,Disortion, Piety, Fear of God.
The Circle is the symbol of the student engaged in studies.

Books represents all the external factors that help a student to develop his personality (Teachers ,Parents, Fellow Students, Society, The Subject of Study, Extra-Curricular Activities and other areas of activity

Asathoma Sathgamaya
Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya
Mrithyorma Amruthamgamaya
(Brihadaranykopanishad 1,3,26)

Lead me from untruth to the truth, from darkness to light and from death to deathlessness.