come to the edge.
we might fall
come to the edge.
it's too high!
come to the edge.
and they came
and he pushed,
they flew.
This beautiful and eloquent verse written by christopher louge aptly sum up the approach of the management and the staff of Devamatha school towards education. we produce champions who keep dreaming BIG and flying HIGH. We teach them to be tougher for the future because you don't develop courage by being simply happy everyday: you develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
The great inventor and philosopher Benjamin Franklin says about a certian person, ''he was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages;so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.'' Ssuch young nit wits who have no contact with anything of use in everyday life are often produced in school today. This is what happens when children are shut up in school recitation rooms for a decade and come out last with a bellyful of words,not knowing a thing. Here,at DevaMatha, we have an entirely different approach towards the educative process. We believe that the principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done.