Little Flower L.P.S is an aided primary school under the corporate management of schools, Archdiocese of Changanasseri. Our patron is His Grace Mar. Joseph Perumthottam and our corporate manager is Rev. Fr. Mathew Nadamukham. Our local manager is very. Rev. Fr. Joseph Vetticadu, the vicar of Holy Magi’s Forane Church Manimala. Three hundred forty students are studying in this school. We focas on not only curricular but also co-curricular activities. With the support of P.T.A we maintain opportunities for the children to learn music, Dance, drawing and sports. We have our own stand in different competetion held under the sub-District of Karukachal. We are the winners of sub-District Balakalolsavam for the last eight years.
Well established computer lab, Assembly Panthal, Smart class room are the symbols of our co-operation with the PTA and former students
About us
Founded: 1950
Founder: Rev Fr. Mathew kuttummel
Patron: His grace Mar Joseph Perumthottam
Corporate Manager: Rev Fr. Mathew Nadamukath
Manager: Rev. Fr.Joseph Vetticadu
Headmistress: Rev. Sr. Jaisly Thomas C.M.C.
Staff Secretary: Mrs. Ansamma Thomas
SRG Convenor: Mrs. Sophiyamma Varghese
PTA Secretary: Mrs. Mollykutty Chacko
Jesus Kids Convenors: Mrs. Jessy antony
DCL Organizer: Mrs. Minimol Joseph
Sports Club: Mr. Minimol joseph
Science Club: Mrs. Litty Sebastian
Health club: Mrs. Sr. Thresiamma Joseph
Arts Club: Mrs. Laliamma Varghese
Maths Club: Mrs. Sindhu Mathew
Social Science Club: Mrs. Anjali Rajan
Work Experience: Mrs. Bindhu M.P
Gardening: Sr. Annamma Thomas
Agriculture Club: Mrs. Mollykutty Thomas
Readears Club: Mrs. Bindhu M.P
Address: Little Flower L P SCHOOL
School Hours: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Office Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Mnimala P.O
Kottayam 686542
Phone: 04828-249495
Location: It is situated in Kottayam district, Kanjirappally Thaluk, Manimala gramapanchayath, near the Holy Magi Forane Church Manimala. Manimala River is flowing nearly.