Our Faculty member Sri. Rajeev T. Abraham (Physical Education) selected as the coah of Kerala School Volly ball team. His team participated the National school games held at Chandigad and the team come upto semi final. But unfortunately due to audience and opposite team interference his team loss the game
Master. Antony Chacko Std X (2010-11) bagged the first prize in Light Music , KCSL State Level Competition
Master Goldy Mathew from Std IX achieved the second place in Reading Competition(District level) conducted in connection with the Reading Day celebration
Kumari. Akhita Jacob from Std VI achieved the first place in the Talent Hunt Examination(Std V, State level) conducted by Corporate Management of Schools Changanacherry Arch-Diocese
High School achieved hundred percentage result in the SSLC Examination 2011. High Secondary achieved 96.5 percentage result in the Higher Secondary Examination 2011